Today we saw a video a very emotional video. The video was about a boy named Christian and he needed $250 dollars so he can go to a band trip. His parents had divorced since he was 2. He father was locked up most of the time. Christian’s father had gave him the $250 but his father didn’t earn that money he stole it from this poor little lady who went to visit her husband at the cemetery. So Christian asked the news if he can meet the old lady to return to the money. He didn’t know if It was hers or not but he still wanted to return it and apologize for what her father had done. Turns out the money was hers and the lady said that for a 15 year old with that much conscious had to get rewarded. So she ended up giving Christian the $250 dollars for the trip. You see you get good things when you do the right thing. Its like karma you do good things the karma will be good for you, but if you choose the wrong you will gat bad karma.
- "The Six Pillars of Character"
- 10
- 16
- 1891
- 9/11
- 9/11/2001
- Abraham Lincoln
- Acts Of Kindness
- Acupressure
- Acupuncture
- alexander hamilton
- Allergist
- Allopathic
- Ambulance dispatcher
- Anesthesiologists
- Arnold H. Glasglow
- athletic trainer
- Auricular Therapy
- Autogenic Training
- Basketball
- Ben Carson
- Biomedical Engineer
- brigham young
- byu
- Cardiologist
- Cellular Therapy
- Chinese (Oriental) Medicine
- Choose the right
- color therapy
- Craniosacral Therapy
- Dale Murphy
- Dean Smith
- Dental Assistant
- Dermatologists
- Diagnostic Radiologist
- Dr.Bob
- Ezra Taft Bensen
- Forgiveness
- Future
- George Washington
- Goals
- Good Character
- Gordon B. Hinckley
- Group project
- History
- HomeRun
- Honor Video
- Housea Ballou
- Immunology
- James E. Faust
- John Wooden
- Joseph B. Wirthlin
- Ketterer
- Life
- life planning progress
- Marilyn Ferguson
- Memorial
- Memorial Day
- Mike Krzyzewski
- Mitch McKee
- Non-Career Research
- Non-Medical Career Research
- Ophthalmologist
- Pam Knox
- Peter Vidmar
- President John F. Kennedy Student Success Statement
- Presidents Day
- Pro Soccer Player
- Promise
- Proverbs 22:1
- Psychiatrist
- RD
- Reggie Bush
- Sara
- Sara (Home Run) Experience
- Showcase
- Soccer
- Softball
- Student success statement
- Thanksgiving and Thanksgiving day
- Theodore Hesburgh
- Veterans day Tribute
- We Will Never Forget !
- When you tell one lie it leads to another
- William Penn
- Yoga Therapists
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