Patrick and his family were camping out in the desert. He woke up and he wanted to go take a little walk. His parents told him to wear his shoes. He disobeyed and wore some flip flops. He wasn't that far from the camp when he felt an awful sting he didn't knew what it was until he looked down and saw a scorpion and he sat down because the pain was so bad. He was shouting out for help and his parents came and put him in the vehicle and took him to the nearest hospital which was 2 hours away. He remembered the pain hurt so bad it felt like if he was going to die. They finally arrived at the hospital and the doctor gave him antibiotics for the pain. He learned a very important lesson to always obey that our parents don't tell something just because they tell us something for a reason.
- "The Six Pillars of Character"
- 10
- 16
- 1891
- 9/11
- 9/11/2001
- Abraham Lincoln
- Acts Of Kindness
- Acupressure
- Acupuncture
- alexander hamilton
- Allergist
- Allopathic
- Ambulance dispatcher
- Anesthesiologists
- Arnold H. Glasglow
- athletic trainer
- Auricular Therapy
- Autogenic Training
- Basketball
- Ben Carson
- Biomedical Engineer
- brigham young
- byu
- Cardiologist
- Cellular Therapy
- Chinese (Oriental) Medicine
- Choose the right
- color therapy
- Craniosacral Therapy
- Dale Murphy
- Dean Smith
- Dental Assistant
- Dermatologists
- Diagnostic Radiologist
- Dr.Bob
- Ezra Taft Bensen
- Forgiveness
- Future
- George Washington
- Goals
- Good Character
- Gordon B. Hinckley
- Group project
- History
- HomeRun
- Honor Video
- Housea Ballou
- Immunology
- James E. Faust
- John Wooden
- Joseph B. Wirthlin
- Ketterer
- Life
- life planning progress
- Marilyn Ferguson
- Memorial
- Memorial Day
- Mike Krzyzewski
- Mitch McKee
- Non-Career Research
- Non-Medical Career Research
- Ophthalmologist
- Pam Knox
- Peter Vidmar
- President John F. Kennedy Student Success Statement
- Presidents Day
- Pro Soccer Player
- Promise
- Proverbs 22:1
- Psychiatrist
- RD
- Reggie Bush
- Sara
- Sara (Home Run) Experience
- Showcase
- Soccer
- Softball
- Student success statement
- Thanksgiving and Thanksgiving day
- Theodore Hesburgh
- Veterans day Tribute
- We Will Never Forget !
- When you tell one lie it leads to another
- William Penn
- Yoga Therapists
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